Katedra plánovania a tvorby krajiny sa venuje usporiadaniu krajinnej štruktúry a optimálnemu využitiu krajiny. Rieši praktické úlohy z tvorby krajiny a krajinárske problémy vyplývajúce z praxe.
Department of Landscape Planning and Creation
Do you find problems in the country that you can not solve? Do you perceive processes in the country that interfere with it and prevent its use?
Perceive the world around you
Learn to observe common things in the country, look for their meaning for the landscape and for the human, become a physician of the landscape.
You become a landscape engineer
At the engineering degree of the Landscape Protection and Landscape use Studies program, you can become a landscape engineer and learn to solve the problems in the country.
Study possibilities
We provide training of disciplines - landscape creation, objects focused on vegetation adaptations in the country, landscape planning processes, urban ecology, ecostabilization measures in the countryside.
Základnou disciplínou, ktorú reprezentuje KPTK je krajinárstvo. Krajinárstvo chápeme ako prienik vedomostí krajinnej ekológie, krajinného inžinierstva, tvorby – pretvárania krajiny a ochrany prírodného a kultúrneho dedičstva. Krajinárstvo sa ďaluej špecializuje na agroekológiu, urbánnu ekológiu, krajinno-ekologické aspekty cestovného ruchu, krajinársku dendrológiu a ekológiu.
Partneri, spolupráca a výskum KPTK
Katedra plánovania a tvorby krajinyFakulta ekológie a environmentalistiky
Technická univerzita vo Zvolene
T. G. Masaryka 24
960 01 Zvolen
+421 45 5206 545
Head of the Department

+421 455 206 335
+421 455 206 331